Friday, December 26, 2008

Frogs, Lullabys, and Tomatoes.

There have been a plethora of baby gifts this Christmas. The books were the first to roll in. Yesterday, Jill gave us a copy of the Nine Inch Nails Rockabye Baby CD - lullaby renditions of NIN songs. Definitely something Morgan will enjoy sharing with the baby. It was fun listening to the CD in the car on the way home yesterday with Morgan trying to identify songs and singing along with the glockenspiel etc. They also have Nirvana and Pixies albums... We'll be looking for more of these before June.

Today we got Susie and Dane's Christmas package.

As I've said before, Morgan gets a lot of frogs, because, well, he likes frogs. But this frog fairy and its matching night light/wall sconce are adorable, and I'm having fun thinking up nursery themes around them.

Thanks, everyone, for a wonderful Christmas.

Tomorrow marks the start of week 15. Our kid has grown to the astronomic size of a beefsteak tomato! Or a softball. We'll stick to tomatoes. The kid can now sense light and pressure from outside my body, which means its probably a good thing I ordered a pillow for my laptop, so its not in my lap all the time. In theory, I can shine a flashlight at my stomach and the kid will respond. Since I haven't felt any movements yet, I'm not sure what purpose this would serve, except to piss it off. But I am making an effort to be mindful of the music I play, with the knowledge that our baby can now hear it.

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